The Cyclades Cup, Antiparos is an invitational regatta. The regatta is open to invited cruising yachts whose length is 30.5
meters or greater. The 2025 regatta will also offer a Corinthian Spirit class and a 90 Foot Racing class. Safe sailing is the
highest priority of the organizing authority; therefore, an invitation will be extended to those eligible yachts whose
owners, captains and crews endeavor to contribute to a safe and enjoyable event. Part 1 of this notice deals with general
administrative information and Part 2 with the rules and conditions of the regatta.
The CYCLADES CUP, Antiparos is organized by the Yacht Club of Greece & The Cyclades Cup.
Address all correspondence pertaining to the regatta to 18, Karageorgi Street, 185 33 Piraeus Greece
Tel: +30 2104220506 Mob: +30 69090 46525 / +306487 721422
Email: sailing@ycg.gr, info@cyclades-cup.com
Event Director/Race Chairman Stratis Andreadis
Periodic updates and the latest information on the regatta can be found on the event websites:
Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board (ONB), which will be a Racing Rules of Sailing link
RACE OFFICE The Cyclades Cup Race Office will be communicated on the ONB.
4.1 Captains’ Briefing: The pre-regatta Captains’ Briefing will take place on Wednesday 11 June. Required participants, times, and the physical location will be posted on the ONB.
4.2 Race Day Morning Briefing: A mandatory briefing will be held each morning before racing at 08:30 at the event
marquee. The race course, starting sequence, weather and any safety issues will be addressed. Attendance is mandatory for the Captain, RRS-Safety Afterguard Member, and tactician.
Yachts are encouraged to moor at roads off the eastern shore of Antiparos
For all media, the yacht owner’s name shall not be published without obtaining permission from the organizing authority or the yacht owner directly. The owner shall be referred to as “the owner of Yacht Name.” Other participants give right and permission to use their name, voice, image, likeness, as well as representation of the yacht in any media world-wide (television, print, video footage, and internet media) for the purposes of press information, reporting, promoting and disseminating information.
7.1 Each yacht shall be insured by a reputable insurance company for physical loss of, or damage to, the yacht up to the current market value of the yacht and all its equipment onboard and also insured for P&I up to at least €10,000,000 (or the equivalent in other currencies) for owner, captain, paid and unpaid crew and guests for the period of the regatta set forth in the schedule. Higher limits are strongly encouraged. A recognized Medical and Accident cover for any crew (permanent and temporary) on board is strongly recommended.
7.2 Certificate(s) of Insurance (in English) reflecting the above insurance requirements shall be carried onboard the yacht at all times during the regatta. Each yacht’s insurer(s) shall be notified of the yacht’s participation in this SYRA Sanctioned Regatta and provided with a copy of the regatta’s notice of race and Cyclades Cup Antiparos Disclaimer of Liability Form.
7.3 This requirement will be documented on the Disclaimer of Liability form, which shall be completed by each
participating yacht at registration.
Invoices and payment instructions are available upon request to: sailing@ycg.gr
9.1 The Cyclades Cup will be governed by:
● The rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)
● Appendix SY to the RRS (Exhibit 1)
● The ORC Superyacht Rule (ORCsy) - orc.org/organization/superyachts
● The Corinthian Spirit Class Rules (Exhibit 2)
● The 90 Foot Class Rules (Exhibit 3)
9.2 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence. Note: RRS 47 (Trash Disposal) does not allow disposable sail stops for spinnakers.
10.1 The organizing authority takes a proactive stance on safe racing, prudent seamanship, and good sportsmanship. Safe racing, rule compliance and rule enforcement are the responsibilities of everyone involved in superyacht racing. The level of sportsmanship at Cyclades Cup, Antiparos events has set a standard in superyacht racing and the race committee fully expects the same level of mutual respect between competitors. Accordingly, participants are required to:
● Ensure that the safety of their guests, crew and yacht is their primary consideration during the regatta.
● Comply with all rules of the regatta.
● Comply with the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) Category 4.
● Comply with any local maritime authority’s rule or regulation that may apply to the yacht at the time of the
● Have due regard for any commercial shipping.
● Be courteous to all other participating yachts, the organizing authority, and its representatives, as well as all other vessels encountered on the racecourse.
● Sign and submit a Daily Declaration Form with the race office promptly after completion of each race specifying any safety related incidents and/or breaches of the RRS or other rules of the regatta involved in or observed.
10.2 This Notice of Race sends the implicit message that the focus is on safe racing, not competitive advantage. It
reinforces the fact that the Cyclades Cup, Antiparos is a congenial racing event. If the organizing authority receives
corroborative or substantiated reports of a yacht being handled in an overly aggressive, un-seamanlike or unsafe manner, it may declare the yacht, the RRS Afterguard Member and/or the racing tactician ineligible for future Cyclades Cup Antiparos regattas.
11.1 Each yacht shall designate one member of the afterguard who is currently active with and has a thorough
understanding of The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and submit the completed Compliance Form no later than May 19th, 2025 (Exhibit 5 ). If the RRS Afterguard Member submitted a form at a previous regatta and the name is listed on the SYRA website superyra.org/after-guard, then the yacht is not required to resubmit the form. Details of the requirements are posted on the event website and will be distributed to all captains via email. The organizing authority can assist entrants with finding an experienced RRS Afterguard Member.
11.2 Compliance forms will be reviewed by the organizing authority prior to June 1st, 2025.
The RRS Afterguard Member may be the yacht’s helmsman, navigator or racing tactician if they meet the stated criteria. This individual’s role is to interact closely with the other members of the afterguard. The designated Communications Officer (who monitors the VHF safety channel) must be a different individual. Captains should not be the designated RRS Afterguard Member or Communications Officer due to the specific RRS related criteria that this position requires and the fact that the overall safety of the yacht is their responsibility.
11.3 The RRS Afterguard Member shall be responsible for ensuring the Daily Declaration Form is emailed or returned to the race office as soon as practicable following racing each day, but no later than two hours after finishing.
12.1 Yachts may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.
12.2 Yacht owners are responsible for informing advertisers and sponsors that no activities advertising any brand will be permitted dockside ashore in the Cyclades Cup, Antiparos without the prior written consent of the organizing authority.
13.1 The Cyclades Cup, Antiparos is an invitational event, open to invited cruising sailing yachts whose LOA is 30.5 meters or greater, and yachts that are eligible for the 90 Foot Racing class. (Cruising sailing yachts are defined by the Superyacht Racing Association – Cruising- Superyacht-Definition.pdf).
13.2 The Organizing committee shall determine which yachts will be issued invitations each year. Yachts may request an invitation by contacting the Event Director Stratis Andreadis (sailing@ycg.gr).
13.3 Entry applications and the Notice of Race will be sent to invited yachts in February. A completed entry application shall be submitted no later than 1 June 2025. Entry acknowledgement will be sent to entrants shortly after entry receipt.
13.4 The entry fee is due by June 1st, 2025 Late entries may be accepted at the sole discretion of the organizing authority.
13.5 A Corinthian Spirit class will be provided if a minimum of two entries are received by June 1st, 2025. Entrants will race without spinnakers or Code 0 sails (see Exhibit 2).
13.6 A 90 Foot Class will be provided if a minimum of four entries are received by June 1st, 2025 (see Exhibit 3).
13.7 Entrants are required to have current and valid handicap certificates with the following deadlines:
● Superyacht Classes: Yachts shall submit their completed ORCsy handicap application to the ORC no later than June 1st, 2025 (orc.org/organization/superyachts). ORCsy submissions received after that date will incur a 30% late fee.
● Corinthian Spirit Class: Yachts shall submit their completed ORCcs handicap application to the ORC no later than June 1st, 2025 (orc.org/organization/superyachts). ORCcs submissions received after that date will incur a 30% late fee.
● 90 Foot Racing Class: Yachts shall submit their completed ORCsy handicap application to the ORC no later than June 1st, 2025 (orc.org/organization/superyachts). ORCsy submissions received after that date will incur a 30% late fee.
13.8 All yachts in ORC handicap classes are required to have their final sail, anchor, fuel and water declaration submitted to the ORC no later than June 1st, 2025 (2 weeks prior to the first race). Refer to ORCsy Rule 400.2 for procedures to be followed in providing approximate tankage values. Entrants submitting a declaration after the deadline must have it approved by the organizing authority and will incur a 30% ORCsy fee increase if approved.
14.1 The entry fee is 1.900€ for members of the SuperYacht Racing Association (SYRA) and 3.000€ for non-members. For more information on the SYRA and how to join visit: www.superyra.org. Given the important role that the SYRA plays in promoting safe sailing and fair racing, all SYRA Sanctioned Regattas on the 2025 superyacht racing calendar are members of the SYRA and will offer differential entry fees. Payment instructions will be sent upon receipt of the entry application and invoices are available upon request.
14.2 If the event is canceled due to government mandate or event organizer discretion, the full entry fee will be refunded.
14.3 The fee for obtaining a valid ORC certificate is paid directly to that rule authority (orc.org/organization/superyachts).
15.1 Up to three races are scheduled from Thursday, 12 June through Saturday, 14 June.
15.2 Preliminary Schedule: See Exhibit 10 for the preliminary racing and social schedule.
Registration for The Cyclades Cup will begin at 09:00 on Wednesday, 11 June 2025. The following required documents may be submitted electronically in advance:
● Acceptance of the Notice and Conditions of Race as set forth in the Entry Form
● Signed Disclaimer of Liability Form
● Crew List
● Names and mobile telephone numbers for the captain, Communications Crew member, Designated RRS
Afterguard Member, and racing tactician
● Valid handicap certificate
Note: The Designated RRS Afterguard Member’s credentials (Exhibit 5) are due to the organizing authority by May 19th.
17.1 The organizing authority will, at its sole discretion, divide the fleet into classes based on the size, composition, and attributes of the fleet. A notice with the preliminary class breaks will be posted on the event website by June 11th, 2025.
17.2 There may be separate Corinthian Spirit, and 90 Foot Racing classes. The race committee may add or delete classes and change the race format for any class.
17.3 Classes may sail different courses on any given day.
The 2025 Sailing Instructions will be posted on the event website by June 1st, 2025, emailed to all entrants, and be
available at the race office on-site. Captains are encouraged to forward these documents to their owners, racing tactician and other members of the afterguard in advance.
Racing will take place in the vicinity of Antiparos and its adjoining islands. A chart showing the racing area is Imray-G33 Southern Cyclades (West Sheet) The rendezvous location for racing will be to the south of Antiparos Harbor entrance.
The courses will be coastal courses using islands, rocks, inflatable buoys as marks of the course.
Racing Format: It is the intent of the race committee to feature the staggered start racing format for the Cruising
Superyacht and 90 Foot Classes.
Pursuit Racing: It is the intent of the race committee to feature the staggered start racing format for the cruising
superyacht and 90 Foot classes. To enhance safe racing, assigned start times will be adjusted, on a class basis, so that each class has a different expected finish time, i.e., those expected finish times will be separated by a ‘margin of safety’. This will result in less congestion at turning marks late in the race, particularly at the finishing line, reduce class mixing, and make overtaking less onerous for the faster rated yachts in the fleet. Yachts will be assigned their own starting time for each race with slower rated yachts in each class starting first with a five (5) minutes separation between starts.
22.1 The handicap rules to be used are as follows:
● Superyacht Corinthian Spirit classes: ORC Superyacht Rule (ORCcs) with Time on Distance scoring.
● 90 Foot class: ORC Superyacht Rule (ORCsy) with Time on Distance scoring.
22.2 Additional information on scoring and racing formats will be posted on the event website prior to June 1st 2025.
23.1 A yacht shall not receive radio transmissions unless available to all yachts. All types of electronic aids, including radar, VOR, satellite are permitted. No external aids, outside assistance or information may be used during the races, except weather forecast information.
23.2 Yachts equipped with Automatic Identification System (AIS) shall operate their AIS system from the time they
approach the starting area until departing the finishing area following the race. AIS equipment shall not be removed from the yacht prior to the regatta.
24.1 The safety of a yacht and its crew is the sole responsibility of the captain who shall ensure that the yacht is fully
sound, thoroughly seaworthy, and manned by an experienced and physically capable crew. Neither the establishment of regulations or inspection of a yacht in any way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of the captain.
24.2 It is the sole and inescapable responsibility of each yacht to decide whether to start or continue racing. See RRS 3, Decision to Race.
25.1 Series awards for first, second and third place in each class will be presented on the evening of Saturday the 15th of June following the racing.
25.2 The criteria for the Overall Cyclades Cup Antiparos award will be posted on the event website prior to June 1st,
25.3 There may be special trophies awarded for meritorious acts, boat handling and other notable behavior.
26.1 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. Yacht Club of Greece, participating stewards,
sponsors, suppliers, Friends of the Cyclades Cup Antiparos, race committee, volunteers and all other affiliated
organizations and individuals of the CYCLADES CUP, Antiparos will not accept any liability for personal injury, loss of life or material damage to any vessel in any way from any cause sustained in conjunction with the Cyclades Cup Antiparos, prior to, during, or after the event.
26.2 The organizing authority reserves the right to cancel the regatta completely by written notification to each yacht via email to the captain’s email address provided on the Entry Application. In the event of cancellation of the regatta, each yacht, owner, and captain hereby expressly agree that no claim of any nature whatsoever against the organizing authority, Yacht Club of Greece participating stewards, sponsors, suppliers, Friends of the Cyclades Cup Antiparos race committee and all other affiliated organizations and individuals of the Cyclades Cup, Antiparos will be permitted or entertained. And each yacht, owner and captain hereby expressly undertake to indemnify the organizers in respect of any claim brought by anyone associated with them and/or their yacht and any costs incurred by the organizers in relation to such claim. A refund in whole will be limited to payments made for the entry fee only.
26.3 The Cyclades Cup, Antiparos Disclaimer of Liability Form shall be accurately completed and signed by the owner (or charterer), captain, crew members and guests of the yacht and delivered to the race office prior to the first race of the regatta. The Disclaimer form will be posted on the web site by June 1st, 2025.
26.4 In the event that the crew, guests, or personnel change on board a yacht during the regatta, each new person shall sign the Disclaimer of Liability Form before participating in any race. The updates shall be emailed or delivered to the race office prior to the start of the race.
The purpose of the regatta rules is to encourage fair competition, good sportsmanship, and absolute collision avoidance. None of these guidelines should affect the traditional spirit of Cycladic racing.
Exhibit 2 Corinthian Spirit Class Rules
Exhibit 3 90 Foot Class Rules
Exhibit 4 Daily Declaration
Exhibit 5 Designated RRS Afterguard Member
Exhibit 6 Pantaenius Laser Rangefinder Instructions
Exhibit 7 E-Sign Disclaimer of liability and crew list
Exhibit 8 Hand-Sign Disclaimer of liability and crew list
Exhibit 9 On-Water-Emergency-Procedures
Exhibit 10 Preliminary Schedule