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Cyclades Cup Notice of Race
12-15 June 2025

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The Cyclades Cup, Antiparos is an invitational regatta. The regatta is open to invited cruising yachts whose length is 30.5‬
‭ meters or greater. The 2025 regatta will also offer a Corinthian Spirit class and a 90 Foot Racing class. Safe sailing is the‬
‭ highest priority of the organizing authority; therefore, an invitation will be extended to those eligible yachts whose‬
‭ owners, captains and crews endeavor to contribute to a safe and enjoyable event. Part 1 of this notice deals with general‬
‭ administrative information and Part 2 with the rules and conditions of the regatta.‬





The CYCLADES CUP, Antiparos is organized by the Yacht Club of Greece & The Cyclades Cup.

‭ Address all correspondence pertaining to the regatta to 18, Karageorgi Street, 185 33 Piraeus Greece‬

Tel: +30 2104220506‬‭ Mob: +30 69090 46525 / +306487 721422‬


Event Director/Race Chairman‬‭ Stratis Andreadis‬


‭ Periodic updates and the latest information on the regatta can be found on the event websites:‬




‭ Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board (ONB), which will be a Racing Rules of Sailing link‬

RACE OFFICE‬‭ The Cyclades Cup Race Office will be communicated‬‭ on the ONB.‬



‭ 4.1 Captains’ Briefing: The pre-regatta Captains’ Briefing will take place on Wednesday 11 June. Required participants,‬‭ times, and the physical location will be posted on the ONB.‬


4.2 Race Day Morning Briefing: A mandatory briefing will be held each morning before racing at 08:30 at the event‬
‭ marquee. The race course, starting sequence, weather and any safety issues will be addressed. Attendance is mandatory‬ for the Captain, RRS-Safety Afterguard Member, and tactician.‬



‭ Yachts are encouraged to moor at roads off the eastern shore of Antiparos‬




‭ For all media, the yacht owner’s name shall not be published without obtaining permission from the organizing authority‬ or the yacht owner directly. The owner shall be referred to as “the owner of Yacht Name.” Other participants give right‬ and permission to use their name, voice, image, likeness, as well as representation of the yacht in any media world-wide‬ (television, print, video footage, and internet media) for the purposes of press information, reporting, promoting and‬ disseminating information.‬


‭ 7.1 Each yacht shall be insured by a reputable insurance company for physical loss of, or damage to, the yacht up to the‬ current market value of the yacht and all its equipment onboard and also insured for P&I up to at least €10,000,000 (or‬‭ the equivalent in other currencies) for owner, captain, paid and unpaid crew and guests for the period of the regatta set‬ forth in the schedule. Higher limits are strongly encouraged. A recognized Medical and Accident cover for any crew‬ (permanent and temporary) on board is strongly recommended.‬

7.2 Certificate(s) of Insurance (in English) reflecting the above insurance requirements shall be carried onboard the yacht‬ at all times during the regatta. Each yacht’s insurer(s) shall be notified of the yacht’s participation in this SYRA Sanctioned‬ Regatta and provided with a copy of the regatta’s notice of race and Cyclades Cup Antiparos Disclaimer of Liability Form.‬

‭ 7.3 This requirement will be documented on the Disclaimer of Liability form, which shall be completed by each‬
‭ participating yacht at registration.‬


Invoices and payment instructions are available upon request to:‬‭‬


9.‬‭ RULES‬

9.1 The Cyclades Cup will be governed by:‬

The rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)‬
Appendix SY to the RRS (Exhibit 1)‬
● The ORC Superyacht Rule (ORCsy) -‬
The Corinthian Spirit Class Rules (Exhibit 2)‬
The 90 Foot Class Rules (Exhibit 3)‬

‭ 9.2 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence. Note: RRS 47 (Trash Disposal) does not‬ allow disposable sail stops for spinnakers.‬


‭ 10.‬‭ SAFE RACING‬

‭ 10.1 The organizing authority takes a proactive stance on safe racing, prudent seamanship, and good sportsmanship. Safe‬ racing, rule compliance and rule enforcement are the responsibilities of everyone involved in superyacht racing. The level‬ of sportsmanship at Cyclades Cup, Antiparos events has set a standard in superyacht racing and the race committee fully‬ expects the same level of mutual respect between competitors. Accordingly, participants are required to:‬

● Ensure that the safety of their guests, crew and yacht is their primary consideration during the regatta.‬
● Comply with all rules of the regatta.‬
● Comply with the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) Category 4.‬
● Comply with any local maritime authority’s rule or regulation that may apply to the yacht at the time of the‬
‭ regatta.‬
● Have due regard for any commercial shipping.‬
● Be courteous to all other participating yachts, the organizing authority, and its representatives, as well as all other‬ vessels encountered on the racecourse.‬
● Sign and submit a Daily Declaration Form with the race office promptly after completion of each race specifying‬ any safety related incidents and/or breaches of the RRS or other rules of the regatta involved in or observed.‬

10.2 This Notice of Race sends the implicit message that the focus is on safe racing, not competitive advantage. It‬
‭ reinforces the fact that the Cyclades Cup, Antiparos is a congenial racing event. If the organizing authority receives‬
‭ corroborative or substantiated reports of a yacht being handled in an overly aggressive, un-seamanlike or unsafe manner,‬ it may declare the yacht, the RRS Afterguard Member and/or the racing tactician ineligible for future Cyclades Cup‬ Antiparos regattas.‬


11.‬‭1 Each yacht shall designate one member of the‬‭ afterguard who is currently active with and has a thorough‬
‭ understanding of The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and submit the completed Compliance Form no later than May 19th,‬ 2025 (Exhibit 5‬‭ ).
If the RRS Afterguard Member submitted‬‭ a form at a previous regatta and the name is listed on the SYRA‬ website, then the yacht is not required to resubmit the form. Details of the requirements are‬ posted on the event website and will be distributed to all captains via email. The organizing authority can assist entrants‬ with finding an experienced RRS Afterguard Member.‬

11.2‬‭ Compliance forms will be reviewed by the organizing‬‭ authority prior to June 1st, 2025.‬

‭ The RRS Afterguard Member may be the yacht’s helmsman, navigator or racing tactician if they meet the stated criteria.‬ This individual’s role is to interact closely with the other members of the afterguard. The designated Communications‬ Officer (who monitors the VHF safety channel) must be a different individual. Captains should not be the designated RRS‬ Afterguard Member or Communications Officer due to the specific RRS related criteria that this position requires and the‬ fact that the overall safety of the yacht is their responsibility.‬

11.3 The RRS Afterguard Member shall be responsible for ensuring the Daily Declaration Form is emailed or returned to‬ the race office as soon as practicable following racing each day, but no later than two hours after finishing.‬


‭12.1 Yachts may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.‬

12.2 Yacht owners are responsible for informing advertisers and sponsors that no activities advertising any brand will be‬ permitted dockside ashore in the Cyclades Cup, Antiparos without the prior written consent of the organizing authority.‬


‭ 13.1 The Cyclades Cup, Antiparos is an invitational event, open to invited cruising sailing yachts whose LOA is 30.5 meters‬ or greater, and yachts that are eligible for the 90 Foot Racing class. (Cruising sailing yachts are defined by the Superyacht‬ Racing Association – Cruising- Superyacht-Definition.pdf).‬

13.2 The Organizing committee shall determine which yachts will be issued invitations each year. Yachts may request an‬ invitation by contacting the Event Director Stratis Andreadis (‬‭‬‭).‬

13.3 Entry applications and the Notice of Race will be sent to invited yachts in February. A completed entry application‬ shall be submitted no later than 1 June 2025. Entry acknowledgement will be sent to entrants shortly after entry receipt.‬

13.4 The entry fee is due by June 1st, 2025 Late entries may be accepted at the sole discretion of the organizing authority.‬

13.5 A Corinthian Spirit class will be provided if a minimum of two entries are received by June 1st, 2025. Entrants will‬‭ race without spinnakers or Code 0 sails (see Exhibit 2).‬

13.6 A 90 Foot Class will be provided if a minimum of four entries are received by June 1st, 2025 (see Exhibit 3).‬

13.7 Entrants are required to have current and valid handicap certificates with the following deadlines:‬

Superyacht Classes‬‭: Yachts shall submit their completed‬‭ ORCsy handicap application to the ORC no later than‬ June 1st, 2025 ( ORCsy submissions received after that date will incur a 30%‬ late fee.‬
Corinthian Spirit Class‬‭: Yachts shall submit their‬‭ completed ORCcs handicap application to the ORC no later than‬ June 1st, 2025 ( ORCcs submissions received after that date will incur a 30%‬ late fee.‬
90 Foot Racing Class‬‭: Yachts shall submit their completed‬‭ ORCsy handicap application to the ORC no later than‬ June 1st, 2025 ( ORCsy submissions received after that date will incur a 30%‬‭ late fee.‬

‭ 13.8 All yachts in ORC handicap classes are required to have their final sail, anchor, fuel and water declaration submitted‬ to the ORC no later than June 1st, 2025 (2 weeks prior to the first race). Refer to ORCsy Rule 400.2 for procedures to be‬ followed in providing approximate tankage values. Entrants submitting a declaration after the deadline must have it‬ approved by the organizing authority and will incur a 30% ORCsy fee increase if approved.‬


‭ 14.1 The entry fee is 1.900€ for members of the SuperYacht Racing Association (SYRA) and 3.000€ for non-members.‬ For more information on the SYRA and how to join visit: Given the important role that the SYRA plays‬ in promoting safe sailing and fair racing, all SYRA Sanctioned Regattas on the 2025 superyacht racing calendar are‬‭ members of the SYRA and will offer differential entry fees. Payment instructions will be sent upon receipt of the entry‬‭ application and invoices are available upon request.‬

14.2 If the event is canceled due to government mandate or event organizer discretion, the full entry fee will be refunded.‬

14.3 The fee for obtaining a valid ORC certificate is paid directly to that rule authority (‬


‭ 15.1 Up to three races are scheduled from Thursday, 12 June through Saturday, 14 June.‬

‭ 15.2 Preliminary Schedule: See Exhibit 10 for the preliminary racing and social schedule.‬


Registration for The Cyclades Cup will begin at 09:00 on Wednesday, 11 June 2025. The following required documents‬ may be submitted electronically in advance:‬

● Acceptance of the Notice and Conditions of Race as set forth in the Entry Form‬
● Signed Disclaimer of Liability Form‬
Crew List‬
● Names and mobile telephone numbers for the captain, Communications Crew member, Designated RRS‬
‭ Afterguard Member, and racing tactician‬
● Valid handicap certificate‬

Note: The Designated RRS Afterguard Member’s credentials (Exhibit 5) are due to the organizing authority by May 19th.‬


‭ 17.1 The organizing authority will, at its sole discretion, divide the fleet into classes based on the size, composition, and‬ attributes of the fleet. A notice with the preliminary class breaks will be posted on the event website by June 11th, 2025.‬

17.2 There may be separate Corinthian Spirit, and 90 Foot Racing classes. The race committee may add or delete classes‬ and change the race format for any class.‬

17.3 Classes may sail different courses on any given day.‬


‭ The 2025 Sailing Instructions will be posted on the event website by June 1st, 2025, emailed to all entrants, and be‬
‭ available at the race office on-site. Captains are encouraged to forward these documents to their owners, racing tactician‬‭ and other members of the afterguard in advance.‬


‭ Racing will take place in the vicinity of Antiparos and its adjoining islands. A chart showing the racing area is Imray-G33‬‭ Southern Cyclades (West Sheet) The rendezvous location for racing will be to the south of Antiparos Harbor entrance.‬


‭ The courses will be coastal courses using islands, rocks, inflatable buoys as marks of the course.‬

Racing‬‭ Format:‬‭ It‬‭ is‬‭ the‬‭ intent‬‭ of‬‭ the‬‭ race‬‭ committee‬‭ to‬‭ feature‬‭ the‬‭ staggered‬‭ start‬‭ racing‬‭ format‬‭ for‬‭ the‬‭ Cruising‬
‭ Superyacht and 90 Foot Classes.‬



‭ Pursuit Racing: It is the intent of the race committee to feature the‬‭ staggered start racing format‬‭ for‬‭ the cruising‬
‭ superyacht and 90 Foot classes. To enhance safe racing, assigned start times will be adjusted, on a class basis, so that each‬ class has a different expected finish time, i.e., those expected finish times will be separated by a ‘margin of safety’. This‬ will result in less congestion at turning marks late in the race, particularly at the finishing line, reduce class mixing, and‬ make overtaking less onerous for the faster rated yachts in the fleet. Yachts will be assigned their own starting time for‬ each race with slower rated yachts in each class starting first with a five (5) minutes separation between starts.‬


22.1 The handicap rules to be used are as follows:‬

● Superyacht Corinthian Spirit classes: ORC Superyacht Rule (ORCcs) with Time on Distance scoring.‬
‭● 90 Foot class: ORC Superyacht Rule (ORCsy) with Time on Distance scoring.‬

22.2 Additional information on scoring and racing formats will be posted on the event website prior to June 1st 2025.‬


‭23.1 A yacht shall not receive radio transmissions unless available to all yachts. All types of electronic aids, including radar,‬ VOR, satellite are permitted. No external aids, outside assistance or information may be used during the races, except‬ weather forecast information.‬

23.2 Yachts equipped with Automatic Identification System (AIS) shall operate their AIS system from the time they‬
‭ approach the starting area until departing the finishing area following the race. AIS equipment shall not be removed from‬ the yacht prior to the regatta.‬


24.1 The safety of a yacht and its crew is the sole responsibility of the captain who shall ensure that the yacht is fully‬
‭ sound, thoroughly seaworthy, and manned by an experienced and physically capable crew. Neither the establishment of‬ regulations or inspection of a yacht in any way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of the captain.‬

24.2 It is the sole and inescapable responsibility of each yacht to decide whether to start or continue racing. See RRS 3,‬‭ Decision to Race.‬


‭ 25.1 Series awards for first, second and third place in each class will be presented on the evening of Saturday the 15th of‬ June following the racing.‬

‭ 25.2 The criteria for the Overall Cyclades Cup Antiparos award will be posted on the event website prior to June 1st,‬
‭ 2025.‬

‭ 25.3 There may be special trophies awarded for meritorious acts, boat handling and other notable behavior.‬


‭ 26.1 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. Yacht Club of Greece, participating stewards,‬
‭ sponsors, suppliers, Friends of the Cyclades Cup Antiparos, race committee, volunteers and all other affiliated‬
‭ organizations and individuals of the CYCLADES CUP, Antiparos will not accept any liability for personal injury, loss of life or‬ material damage to any vessel in any way from any cause sustained in conjunction with the Cyclades Cup Antiparos, prior‬ 
to, during, or after the event.‬

26.2 The organizing authority reserves the right to cancel the regatta completely by written notification to each yacht via‬ email to the captain’s email address provided on the Entry Application. In the event of cancellation of the regatta, each‬ yacht, owner, and captain hereby expressly agree that no claim of any nature whatsoever against the organizing authority,‬ Yacht Club of Greece participating stewards, sponsors, suppliers, Friends of the Cyclades Cup Antiparos race committee‬ and all other affiliated organizations and individuals of the Cyclades Cup, Antiparos will be permitted or entertained. And‬ each yacht, owner and captain hereby expressly undertake to indemnify the organizers in respect of any claim brought by‬ anyone associated with them and/or their yacht and any costs incurred by the organizers in relation to such claim. A‬ refund in whole will be limited to payments made for the entry fee only.‬

26.3 The Cyclades Cup, Antiparos Disclaimer of Liability Form shall be accurately completed and signed by the owner (or‬‭ charterer), captain, crew members and guests of the yacht and delivered to the race office prior to the first race of the‬‭ regatta. The Disclaimer form will be posted on the web site by June 1st, 2025.‬

26.4 In the event that the crew, guests, or personnel change on board a yacht during the regatta, each new person shall‬‭ sign the Disclaimer of Liability Form before participating in any race. The updates shall be emailed or delivered to the race‬ office prior to the start of the race.‬


‭ The purpose of the regatta rules is to encourage fair competition, good sportsmanship, and absolute collision avoidance.‬ None of these guidelines should affect the traditional spirit of Cycladic racing.‬


Exhibit 1‬‭ Appendix SY‬

‭ Exhibit 2‬‭ Corinthian Spirit Class Rules‬

‭ Exhibit 3‬‭ 90 Foot Class Rules‬

‭ Exhibit 4‬‭ Daily Declaration‬

‭ Exhibit 5‬‭ Designated RRS Afterguard Member‬

Exhibit 6‬‭ Pantaenius Laser Rangefinder Instructions‬

‭ Exhibit 7‬‭ E-Sign Disclaimer of liability and crew list‬

‭ Exhibit 8‬‭ Hand-Sign Disclaimer of liability and crew list‬

‭ Exhibit 9‬‭ On-Water-Emergency-Procedures‬

‭ Exhibit 10‬‭ Preliminary Schedule‬

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